Segmentation Team Publishes at ACM’s Applied Perception Symposium
The 3D Segmentation team published their fourth paper, “How experts’ mental models affects 3D image segmentation” at ACM’s Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP), held July 22-23, 2016 in Anaheim, California. The ACM published the paper to the SAP ’16 proceedings. The paper outlines the research design behind the following hypothesis: Provided with a 3D structure and slicing plane experts are able to predict the 2D contour, how 2D contour changes with small view changes... -
Segmentation Team Publishes at VINCI 2016
The 3D Segmentation team presented their third paper this year, “Eliciting Tacit Expertise in 3D Volume Segmentation” at the 2016 Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI), held Sept.24-26 in Dallas, Texas. The ACM published the paper to the VINCI 2016 symposium proceedings. The paper examines manual (semi-automatic), low-level (perceptual) and high-level decision making by experts dealing with 3D data. The analaysis hopes to provide valuable information used to design more accurate, efficient, easier... -
Segmentation Team Publishes at ACM’s ETRA Symposium
The 3D Segmentation team at xREZ Art + Science Lab published their second paper this year, “Where Do Experts Look While Doing 3D Image Segmentation” at the 2016 Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), held March 14-17 in Charleston, South Carolina. The ACM published the paper to the ETRA 2016 symposium proceedings. Anahita Sanandaji of Oregon State University, Ruth West of the University of North... -
xREZ Presence Research at ERVR 2016
xREZ Art + Science Lab students Max J. Parola and Violet Johnson, together with professor Ruth West presented their research on presence in virtual environments at The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2016 conference held in San Francisco Feb. 18, 2016. Their paper, “Turning Presence Inside-Out: MetaNarratives” traces operational definitions of presence from a variety of researchers. Presence in virtual environments has been called a “sense of being in an environment” , an “illusion of nonmediation”... -
Segmentation Team Wins Best Paper at ISVC 2015
xREZ Lab’s 3D Segmentation research team won best paper for their publication, “Guided Structure-Aligned Segmentation of Volumetric Data” at the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) 2015 conference, held Dec. 14-16, 2015 in Las Vegas, NV. The paper, authored by Michelle Holloway of Washington University in St. Louis, Anahita Sanandaji of Oregon State University, Deniece Yates of Oregon State University, Amali Krigger of Oregon State University, Ross Sowell of Cornell College, Ruth West of... -
Julie Libersat Presents ROAM Research at National Art Education Association
xREZ Lab Team member Julie Libersat presented her research at the National Art Education Association National Convention in New Orleans March 26, 2015. Libersat is a new media graduate student and candidate for a master’s in art education. Her talk at NAEA, delivered with co-author UNT assistant professor of art education and art history Dr. Perez de Miles, was titled “Walking and Mapping in Art: Emergent Cartography and Spatial Exchange.” Libersat... -
New Publication – “Embodied Information Behavior, Mixed Reality and Big Data”
(Images courtesy: Microsoft © 2015, DAQRI LLC © 2015, Atheer Labs © 2015) Professor Ruth West, together with two students and a University of Tasmania collaborator, published in the proceedings of the SPIE, The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2015. West presented the paper to an enthusiastic audience at the conference held in San Francisco Feb. 8-12, 2015, followed by a lively question-and-answer session. The paper “Embodied Information Behavior, Mixed Reality and Big Data” is...