Barbuda Islands
The first stage of this project resulted in creating six 24″ X 30″ high resolution prints. To create these prints, I used original imagery from various sources including Google Earth and NASA. The images were then used as an input and manipulated using a custom algorithm. The software to create the algorithm is Processing. Based on a set of rules, the program outputted an image file which was then sent to Photoshop for post processing. I increased contrast levels and color vibrancy to give the images a more well defined look.
Working on this project was immensely fun to work on. I have previously worked with data manipulation in the past but not with images. In terms of challenges, it was really rough trying to find a concept that tied this process with the artwork but eventually the idea of isolation and the human experience came to find. This is something that seemed to fit well as it allowed for me to really explain my process and what that meant to me as an artist.
I really think I’ve gained a better understanding on what my relationship to my artwork is and what that means to others. With this I think I can better develop the project itself and take it further.
In terms of importance, my contribution in this piece really is the marrying of two unseemingly related fields. You have the creative side of it (the artwork) and the informational and technical side of it (the use of satellite imagery).
I am using contact outside of its content and putting it into a context of creative artwork. By doing this I hope to create discussion that can bring these two together.

Bissagos Islands

Atoll islands