Professor Ruth West published in the proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers tri-conference event held Oct. 13-18, 2013 in Atlanta Georgia. IEEE’s “VIS” event focused on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, Information Visualization, and Scientific Visualization.
The paper “DataRemix: Designing The Datamade Through ArtScience Collaboration,” is a conversation about the value of an emerging art-science approach, creating novel ways of seeing and knowing. Remixing data, or “DataRemix” is a reappropriation practice intended to trigger novel subjective experiences and associations.
Written together with collaborators including Roger Malina, head of the University of Texas at Dallas’ ArtSciLab, John Lewis of Victoria University, Scot Gresham-Lancaster of UT Dallas, UNT adjunct professor Alejandro Borsani, Brian Merlo of UTD and Lifan Wang of Texas A&M University, the paper details cutting-edge art-science projects that allow data to be understood in new visual ways using technology and representations that embrace the complexity of data and the needs of data-users.
Why is viewing data through the art-science lens helpful? The paper’s authors point to the creation of “datamades” that destabilize the framing narratives of data creation and representation and allow us to see and know beyond what our instruments, algorithms, representational schemas and prevailing culture enable us to see and know.
The publisher, IEEE (pronounced Eye-triple-E), is the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology and sponsors more than 1,400 conferences and meetings worldwide. See Professor Ruth West’s portfolio Viewing Space website for a list of other IEEE publications, and her UNT Faculty Profile for more information.
- West, R. Malina, J. Lewis, S. Gresham-Lancaster, A. Borsani, B. Merlo, and L. Wang. Dataremix: Designing the data made through artscience collaboration. In Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP), Atlanta, Georgia, October 2013