Join us in celebrating the Student New Media Art Exhbition at the Dallas Contemporary Art museum!
We here at the xREZ lab are very excited to be working alongside the Dallas Contemporary, UTD, and SMU to showcase a wide range of student works. But we are even more excited because two of our wonderfully talented lab members, Hayley McGuire and Gabriel Vega, will be featured in the exhibition! Along with Hayley and Gabriel, six other students will be displaying their works as well: Will Broderick (UTD), Jay Ray (UTD), Spencer Brown-Pearn (UTD), Katherine Habeck (SMU), Julie Libersat (UNT), and Caitlin Odneal (UNT).
The exhibition was developed in collaboration with the DCA by Prof. Ruth West (UNT) Prof. Ira Greenberg (SMU) and Prof. Frank DuFour (UTD).
The reception and exhibit is FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
WHEN: Friday, April 25, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
WHERE: Dallas Contemporary
161 Glass Street
Dallas, Texas 75207
Plan on going? Check in at Dallas Contemporary’s Facebook event!
Check back in throughout the exhibition to get some behind-the-scenes looks of the artists and their works.
We hope to see you there!