TxHATS Network Meeting
Wednesday March 30, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Texas Humanities Art Technology and Science (TxHATS) working group meeting includes PechaKucha-style “pitches” from attendees, technology demos, special-interest small working groups, and a panel/roundtable discussion on initiating and sustaining successful academic-industry-community partnerships at the intersection of art, science, humanities and technology! After the meeting, join us at 5:30P for an Art + Science Evening Rendezvous at the UNT Union!
LOCATION: xREZ Art + Science Lab
Hickory Hall Rm. 152
University of North Texas
1417 W. Hickory St.
Denton, Tx 76201
PARKING – CLICK for MAP: UNT Lots 9, 10, and 11.
Parking at UNT requires a valid parking pass.
Registered meeting attendees will receive a parking pass via e-mail.
PRINT the pass and bring it with you in order to park.
Register early! Space is limited!