Gussan Jalil Spring 2015 Project

  1. Always Making the Shot

    I have developed several prototypes for this project, each superseding the previous model.  In testing the feasibility of this design, I 3d printed my files using a makerbot printer.  That model was too frail and jagged to serve as my final project.  After my trials with this printer, I decided that the quality of my product would be dependant on the materials I used to make it.  In the lab, I was...
  2. Relatable Forms

    How is it that similar formations in nature yield such a variety of functions? A bolt of lightning reminds me of a river delta-a blood vessel, a root-and I have grown curious to know if these observable phenomena occur in places yet unobserved.  This project was influenced by my hope to photographically reveal these forms found in nature, and I began with a question:  How does light sensitive film react to the...
  3. Lichtenburg Experimentation

    I am interested in determining the differences, if any, in the way light sensitive film reacts to the indirect exposure of static electricity.  This project will consist of an experiment in which I will be subjecting the three different types of light sensitive film to static electric discharge through various materials. (e.g. Inorganic and Organic)  This research and experimentation will answer the question: Is photography a viable medium for the study of...
  4. Always Making the Shot

      As a freelance photographer I find that my lens will get very dirty if I don’t remember to clean it.  Countless lens cloths have gone missing or gotten dirty from my camera bag.  Often I wonder about how much time I have spent digging into my camera bag trying to find a little square cloth to clean my camera.  How many photographic moments have I  missed because of the arduous cleaning...

xREZ Art + Science Lab

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xREZ Art+Science lab forges productive paths that harness the unique creative forces found only at the intersection of the arts, sciences and humanities to open new portals of imagination, knowledge and communication.Our goal: alter the landscape of human endeavor to create transformative impact on our world and our future.

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