
Art + Science: Creative inquiry, embodied knowing, and flow. How does art-making result in new forms of inquiry? What is the potential impact of listening to molecular music or creating artificial life? What does it mean to make art in order to create new knowledge, to collect data, analyze it, or present ones findings? Are artists working at the intersection of the natural, physical or life sciences and art adding something to our understanding and experience of life that scientists are not or simply cannot?

This graduate studio explores emerging practices and trends in new media with particular emphasis on new modes of creative inquiry and practice-based research in the arts. It provides students with a foundation in innovative art practices that bring together the arts and sciences, irrespective of medium or modality. This exploration will be conducted in relation to their current practice and creative interests. Students will engage in research centered on their evolving creative practice and body of work in order to develop new work, develop individualized conceptual frameworks for arts practice as a form of inquiry, and continue development of their professional practice as an artist.


  1. Glow and Circadian rhythms

    Currently, I have a concept enveloping Glow/ light and the long standing importance the sources have in human existence, that has yet to be fully developed or pushed in my current body of work.  TVs, computers, cell phones etc.  have a glow, a light source that light up when in use, this glowing has continued to be intriguing and powerful whether the glow comes from the sun, stars, fire, etc. that are...
  2. Process Post 1: Spatial Exchange for 10th St Historic District / Quakertown

    I am entertaining a few different ideas at this point. I have not been able to choose one yet but mapping out my working framework is helping me to sift through and choose a project that is both feasible and will hold my interest. I am resisting the process of dissecting my process perhaps because I identify and behave as an artist in a more spontaneous space. I work in multiple processes...
  3. Laser Cutting Enamel – A Start

    I have been researching the practice of laser cutting enamel. Enamel is finely powdered glass that is sifted onto the surface of clean copper, fine silver, gold or mild steel and fused in a kiln at close to 1400degrees Fahrenheit. During that process the glass becomes a liquid and bonds onto the base metal. The start of this process can be attributed to Arthur Hash, a metalsmith who graduated from VCU and...
  4. Backroads – Process Post #1

    Backroads is a 45-minute piece for video and 8-channel audio that concerns the experience of living in driving through Texas by the juxtaposition of visual drones – driving the back roads of rural Texas – with ambisonic field recordings of contrasting acoustic environments and positive organ drones. The bulk of my research has been into tying together Art and Science in this piece. The primary way I’ve found to do so concerns Neuroscience....

xREZ Art + Science Lab

Imagine. Discover. Create.
xREZ Art+Science lab forges productive paths that harness the unique creative forces found only at the intersection of the arts, sciences and humanities to open new portals of imagination, knowledge and communication.Our goal: alter the landscape of human endeavor to create transformative impact on our world and our future.

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